Archive for January, 2009
Improving the User Experience!
In an all out effort to bring ease of use to the masses – I’m glad to annouce that I have made some SWEET changes to the Foremost Brewing directory!
I’m in a lucky position to be able to combine my passions for the work of good and hopefully benefit you the homebrewer or home winemaker. Using my passion for making homemade wine and beer and eagerness to learn more about this great hobby – I created this website with the goal of bringing tools and information close together in a nice, easy to use format to the home winemaker and home brewer for FREE!
Being a web developer – I get to explore and learn new techniques and ideas to enrich the user experience in a “close to home” setting that will also benefit “my day job!” And by combining them both – I strive to gain a greater knowleged in both homebrewing and winemaking. Win Win Win for me! Win Win Win for you!
With the big picture in mind, I have taken many many small steps towards this goal and have ironed out a few wrinkles in the directories. In an attempt to make communication easier between you and various brew pubs, breweries, homebrew supply shops and wineries – I have implemented the “Comments” and “Contact” forms into the listing page. Just to make things smoother on your experience here at Foremost Brewing.
I have also added a nice “lightbox” effect to directory listings images (those that have images). My hopes is that these nice new features will help drive micro-breweries, wineries, and homebrew supply shops to Foremost Brewing to update their lsiting to bring you the best and most up to date information available!
Only places that have an email address on file will have a “Contact Us” form. And those emails are sent directly to the place intended – so any replies will go directly to your email!
I am pretty excited about these new changes as they have really sparked new creative ideas for both the homebrew beer recipe database and the wine recipe log database. They are coming, I Promise!!!